The result is the EV of betting instead of checking behind.
OUTRIGHT BLUFFING CALCULATORĪ play’s outright profitability refers to how much money your bet/raise stands to make right this moment. While you could step this formula out and attempt to solve for those extra factors, it’s outside the bounds of this calculation. Usually, you will float with hands that have at least some sort of equity (like a weaker draw or pair), which then amounts to some sort of implied odds calculation. You will notice that your equity is not included in this tool. These outcomes aren’t considered in the calculator to keep things more manageable. Or, you could 3bet over their check/raise on the turn and win. This isn’t typically the case, since even weak bluffs can have some equity against their check/call range. The largest simplification this calculator makes is that you automatically lose if your opponent checks and then continues against your turn bet. But as they barrel more, and thus give you less opportunity to make your float bet on the turn, the more your EV will drop as you fold to their bet. The less they barrel and the more they check/fold, the more profitable floating is. You will notice one of the largest factors is how often you expect your opponent to barrel the turn and check/fold. A higher EV relative to the money you plan to invest in the play (your flop call + your turn bet) the better. The result is the EV of your overall float. Your turn bet size: If they check the turn, how big will you bet?.Their turn check/fold frequency: How often you expect them to check/fold on the turn.Their turn barrel frequency: How often you expect them to bet on the turn.Amount to call on the flop: The size of the bet you are facing on the flop.Current pot size on the flop: The size of the pot after their bet and before your call.While the complete math for floating is incredibly complex (needing to account for all possible future actions and runouts), this simplified calculator gives you a great estimation of your EV if you were to float the flop. SIMPLIFIED FLOATING EVĪ float is when you call one bet with intentions of betting when checked to on the next street.
#Strategy online poker equity calculator how to
Learn more about Flopzilla Pro and see how to study hands with it. This tool does some excellent range analysis and even allows you to do range analysis across multiple opponents (giving you the exact inputs you need for this calculator). One of the best tools for figuring out how often players will actually fold to a bet is Flopzilla Pro. If the result gets very low (under 20%), your bluffing frequency should typically decrease. If the result is high, you should look to bluff more often. The calculator will show you exactly how often you can expect every player to fold. Simply enter 65 for player one and 40 for player two, and 100 for the other 3 players. On a flop of K♠Q♠4♥ you think one player will fold 65% of the time against your cbet and the other player will fold 40% of the time. Say you raised preflop UTG and two players called you. The estimated folding frequency for each player (up to 5).If you like squeezing preflop or bluff cbetting on multiway flops, this is a tool you want to use a few times. The multiple folders calculator is perfect for knowing how often you can expect all remaining players to fold. So don’t let a high BE% automatically turn you away from considering a bluff. While that may seem bad on the surface, remember that many players will fold much more often against larger bets and raises. You will notice that a higher risk compared to the reward (aka, a larger bet or raise size compared to the pot size) results in a higher BE%. When bluffing, if you expect your opponent to fold MORE OFTEN than the current BE%, you have an outright +EV bluffing opportunity! If you expect your opponent to fold less often than the current BE%, your current bluff is immediate -EV. The result is the breakeven percentage of your bet. (e.g., if you are betting $25 into a $40 pot, your reward is $40) Your reward: The amount of money in the pot before you bet/raise.(e.g., if you are betting $25 into a $40 pot, your risk is $25) Your risk: The amount of money you are risking right now.